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Proud am I - Michael Peters

Proud am I - Michael Peters


Who is Michael?

My name is Michael and I was born on September 14, 1967.

I like to describe myself as inspirational, spiritual, philosophical
and writer. In addition, I have humor, a listening ear and
attention to the other.

I get energy from sports. 

For years I played soccer and did athletics.
After a severe injury, I dedicated myself to strength training.
I have been doing this for about twenty years now, in combination with squash and cardio.
Through these sports, I have also learned what mental resilience is.

What is this book about?

After writing my first book, I found that there is a need for information about certain topics that people may get into or are already dealing with. It is therefore no coincidenceThat these people came on my path, albeit often unconsciously, albeit with a few stories consciously. They wanted to share their "special" and sometimes "bizarre" story with me. For these people all respect, all the more because it is about something personal. I myself have gone very deep and on feeling with the writing of their story.

What does he really want to achieve with this book?

People in general, broaden their knowledge about a special topic/event; the feeling these people had and how they experienced it. Furthermore, I try to make the subject more open for discussion. Also the respect and understanding they deserve for what they have achieved and overcome so far.

Often, when writing about these topics, he himself thinks: who are we to judge this? We often see ourselves as pathetic or have self-pity.
Being proud of who we are and what we have fought for, for what we are worth; that is who we may be!

There is a special strength in every human being, a drive to survive and overcome his or her difficulties.
With a diversity of topics and events, I hope to give the reader inspiration and recognition, so they know they are not alone.

He dedicates the book to all the people who shared their stories with me. After all, they too have overcome, fought, tolerated or even accepted it.

Anyone can do it. He believes that any challenge and experience can get you to where you can be completely Proud of yourself.

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Pocket model

172 pages


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