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Nienke Hoogstraten

Nienke Hoogstraten


Product Description

Helping people feel better was in me from birth. As a child, I was already concerned with taking care of others so that they would feel as good as possible. I often sense what someone needs when I am in conversation with them. In the past I caught myself taking others more into account than myself. What others needed was then more important than what I myself needed at that moment.

Over the years, more balance and professionalism has come into that. I have always been critical of what others tell me. It has to be right. And if it doesn't make sense to me, then I have questions and need extra explanation.

I don't believe there is just one way or ideal path to start feeling better, regaining energy or doing what is right for you. It really has to be your journey and fit you. With this in mind, I started collecting treatments that work, that are right and that I have seen and experienced great results from.

What I think is important about a treatment method:
Efficient treatments
Quick result
Preventive treatment before major problems occur
Not unnecessarily heavy
As pleasant as possible for the person undergoing it
What do treatments often revolve around?
If you want to change your feelings and your situation:

you often have to change your own thinking about the situation
dare to take steps
being able to stand firmly for yourself
be able to indicate boundaries and needs
Be able to let go of old patterns and unhelpful thinking or feelings.


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