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Cecile Knook

Cecile Knook


Product Description

My name is Cecile Knook. It is my passion to help guide people to process the blockages someone is walking with, turn patterns into strength and that as a human being you can start living the life you love.

My way of working is entirely personally focused with the aim of bringing out the best in you. Over the years I have helped people with fear of flying, traumas, stagnant blockages/patterns. A low self-image is something I also encounter regularly in my practice and often there are other problems behind it. It has become my passion to work with my client to get to the core of his / her trauma / problem and to help process it. Also possible (but no less important) 'side issues' such as fears, self sabotage, false beliefs, unnecessary patterns and also personal development can be addressed in this process.

Usually I manage to get the client so free of complaints within a short period of time that he/she can go back to work. There are also great gains to be made in terms of prevention, also for the employer. Preventive treatment can prevent staff from ending up on sick leave for a long time, with all the negative (and costly) consequences that this entails.


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