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Extraordinary I am - Michael Peters

Extraordinary I am - Michael Peters


Who is Michael?

My name is Michael and I was born on September 14, 1967.

I like to describe myself as inspirational, spiritual, philosophical
and writer. In addition, I have humor, a listening ear and
attention to the other.

I get energy from sports. 

For years I played soccer and did athletics.
After a severe injury, I dedicated myself to strength training.
I have been doing this for about twenty years now, in combination with squash and cardio.
Through these sports, I have also learned what mental resilience is.

What is this book about?

After writing the first two books, "Beautiful I Am" and "Proud I Am," I was convinced that there would be an even greater need for insights into what you might encounter on your path in life.
It ended up being another very different book from the first and second books.

My approach was to write a book in language that is understandable and accessible to everyone. The insights written are lighthearted and relatable descriptions.

People often tend to withdraw as soon as pressure or anxiety is involved. Asking for confirmation can provide many answers.

Is it an acceptance, an awareness of that which is actually happening?
Will you let it rest and find the right moment of decision?
Do you speak up and show where your boundary lies?
Will you accept the challenge or not?

Undertaking and executing this challenge is based on one's own and new skills and making one's own decisions.

What do I really want to accomplish with this book?

Everyone has a backpack. What you carry in this backpack can strike a sensitive chord at any given moment. There where emotion has the upper hand and one can no longer think as well. (Tunnel vision)

Topics, such as: relationship, children, self, trials, loss, freedom and friendship are covered.
I have described the various topics in the simplest way possible.

A few words are important here: freedom, light-heartedness, accessibility, value, understanding and, above all, respect.

By writing this book I let people see what is possible with every process and event. And also to paint a different picture of the situation, so that making choices becomes easier.

You come across this text for a reason. Let this book give you insights that will give you the right direction of your own self in person. You are special, SPECIAL I AM.


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Pocket model

190 Pages


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