Chronic pain.
What is the meaning of chronic pain?
Pain is a signal from our body that action is needed. A kind of fire alarm. It points out to you that your
body suffers damage. The function of a pain signal is to alert you to possible danger and
damage and to ensure that you take action to resolve the cause of the pain. In short, to
prevent further damage. Sometimes the alarm and thus the pain signal just keeps going off
and does not stop even though the tissue has since recovered and whether you have stopped overloading.
So it is very important when in pain to find out the function of the pain and whether it is another
signal is that you need and have something to do with.
I have osteoarthritis does this mean the pain will never go away?
No you certainly don't have to. It depends on the story behind the pain and whether this story is still of
application. Having osteoarthritis does not automatically mean you must be in pain, nor does it
That that pain will never go away.
Is there a solution without medication for chronic pain?
With chronic pain, solutions without or with less medication are certainly possible. I myself use
many techniques such as Reattach and Oldpain2go to treat people with chronic pain conditions.
What treatment is best for chronic pain?
It depends on the cause of the pain. There is no one best treatment. This is customized treatment.
With these and all the other questions you may run into as a caregiver help Nienke Hoogstraten Of Now Psychologist would love to meet you!